Touchless Selling

Call it A Silent Salesperson, an Automatic Salesperson, Secret Sales Assistant, call it whatever you like, FINALLY there is a way to put your message and the total process on Auto-Pilot and let the system walk your folks through the process.

They are already on their mobile device, many using them while in your store.

Why not accommodate their wishes?

An Optimal Experience

Automagically mobile

Make links to your hottest items and let folks drill down deeper so they get the facts.
Link to videos about the product, features, benefits, etc.
TouchlessSelling™ goes to work and does the job.

This is particularly important when you have a very successful turnout. Say you advertise and get a lot of folks in the door. You have 3 staff on duty but what happens when you have 12 customers? NINE of them go unattended and they just might leave.

This is also important in situations where you have a display at a convention. It's always either "Feast" or "Famine." Because of how the breaks are structured from the speaker sessions you either have a lot of folks or none. So when your booth is crowded your TouchlessSelling™ system goes to work for you.
You could even structure it so folks are sold by your TuchlessSelling™ system and you just take orders at the cash register. We will even work with you on setting this up where the system does everything, including take the order.

  • Let the System do the work
  • You have control and change up as needed
  • Works for 1 or 1,000 on any device.
Think about it

They are already engaging, wny now Work WITH them?

~ They are ON their phones already.
~ They DON'T want to download an app.
~ Do DON'T want to be blasted with ads.
~ They want to choose the information they need.

Give them control and they respond.
Blast information to them and they will BLOCK you.

Automate your Process

Let them Point and Click.

~ They WANT to engage.
~ Make it EASY for them.

You can direct them to specific items or show an overall explanation of everything. Go as deep into the process as you need, even have a click to purchase if you need.

Interactive Experience

Unique User Experience

Give them the information they need, when and where they need it. When you accommodate their needs they respons.

Go Deep

You decide how deep into your system they go. Make it simple or let them drill down for more.

You Control

We give you a login and password to go into your system and make the changes you need as many times as needed.
You aren't limited in what you do, it's totally up to you.
Add or subtract Qnow™ links as needed, there are no minimums, contracts or maximums. 

One More Consideration

When someone is in your store and a sales person approaches and asks, "Can I help you?"
What's the #1 answer?
I'm just looking.

Why not accommodate their wishes?
Why not let them look and browse on their own?
WITHOUT jumping through any hoops?
Without making them download anything?

Why not make it easy for them to find what they want and everything about it, and then do business with you?